Saturday, November 05, 2005

Virtual Library

Internet... What is the first thing that comes to your mind?
I say GOOGLE. Some may say E-mails, Businesses, Hacks, and others.

Funny thing is that now you can find books via Internet.
Google is working on making virtual library.
Microsoft also doing the same thing.
This all will lead to ONE THING and that is PROBLEMS.

Books publishers and Authors filed lawsuits to prevent scanning.

Scanning/Photo Copying Breaks Copyrights
Google's defense is that it will only show 20% of the documents.

Honestly, Google should keep up the work. I am pretty sure that these "authors" uses search engine themselves. They should realize that if your book is that good, you shouldn't worry that people won't buy them. True fans will buy them, thats where the real money comes from anyways.
If they don't want to lose money, just publish it via internet. Be up to date already.
I know some of you might think that, People want to bring them while traveling.
Well then my answer to that would be, PRINT it out. Inks are cheap nowadays.
Just get a generic brand and print it out. Cheaper than buying the book.

Here is a site for you to buy some good cheap inks

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