Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sony Attacks Pirates

Sony are making CDs that will install a program that hacks into the innermost working of the system to insure the program stays hidden.
This hack is known as the "rootkit". This rootkit was an open doors to hackers to hide spywares and etc.
If a user discover the rootkit with a rootkit detector, it will disable their cd/dvd rom drive, only if they try to remove it.
Now digital movies are easy to reproduce without any loss of quality, so having this rootkit should be the way to go.
The down side of this whole situation is it is hard to even make a legal copy for yourself.
This kind of puts the dvd-writeable into no use if this rootkit becomes very successful.

BUT on the other hand, we all know that there are a few hackers that are very smart and they would be able to hack back the rootkit that Sony made.

I remember when PS2 games and some DVDs couldn't be ripped, but eventually it just took a month or two for hackers to figure it out and boom it was all over the internet.

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